What would the stars look like if they were born a couple of centuries earlier? 12 photos

Art is eternal – in any form. Someday our descendants will find old records with Beyoncé tracks and not understand how the human mind could produce such incredible creations. What if modern celebrities were born in a different era? We decided to find out what would happen to them.

Lush hairstyles, starched wigs, revealing necklines, ruffles, feathers and pearls – this is what we have dressed up the current idols of millions. Do the new looks suit Kanye West, Marion Cotillard, Eva Green and others?

Marion Cotillard

Stellar renaissance

The actress’s name is so resonant that it simply had to end up in the history books. But it ended up in the credits of wonderful films. Good alternative!


Stellar renaissance

Beyonce would have given the heat in any era, but, fortunately, fate threw her not into the 18th century, but into our time. The world of music would definitely be empty without her.

Kanye West

Stellar renaissance

Now imagine for a second that Kanye West does not wear oversized jackets that he drowns in, does not write strange posts on social networks and is not a fan of “ugly sneakers,” but pretends to be a gentleman. In this role he would have had much fewer problems.


Stellar renaissance

The image, although fictitious, is very much in the style of Rihanna. We wouldn’t be surprised if one day she hits the red carpet wearing something similar. I wonder if noble ladies of the past might have had tattoos? Because the singer couldn’t part with one…


Stellar renaissance

Singer Lizzo quickly showed people of the past what body positivity and feminism are. History would have taken a different direction and we would have lived in a world where everyone admired Lizzo. Wait, are we already there?

Eva Green

Stellar renaissance

Eva Green can be called a “heart stealer,” but it shouldn’t be interpreted that way. Although, who knows how the actress fuels her unfading beauty?

Pharrell Williams

Stellar renaissance

Mozart, Chopin and all the creators of the past were horrified by what Pharrell Williams would pass off as music in the 18th century. But he is our contemporary, so we can continue to wholeheartedly love the funk artist’s tracks.

Miley Cyrus

Stellar renaissance

You definitely don’t expect this from Miley: now she’s going through a period when she’s only drawn to “crazy” and “frank.” However, light dreaminess and undisguised femininity really suit her – it’s even a pity that Miley is not close to this style.

Vanessa Paradis

Stellar renaissance

Only young Vanessa Paradis could have such tender and innocent beauty. Now her exact copy – her daughter Lily-Rose – is conquering the world.

Millie Bobby Brown

Stellar renaissance

This is not just a girl – it’s immediately obvious. Most likely a witch with telekinesis. Perhaps with a very strange name…

Christopher Walken

Stellar renaissance

If anyone suits this look, it’s Christopher Walken. We can already imagine how he weaves palace intrigues and tries to become the queen’s favorite (of course, mercilessly sweeping other contenders out of the way).

Scarlett Johannson

Stellar renaissance

An actress like Scarlett is suited to play not only superheroines and vamps, but also historical figures. As in “The Girl with a Pearl Earring” or “The Other Boleyn Girl.”